Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Crazy About Chickens

I am so excited to be getting my first set of chickens tomorrow. My good friend Angie was kind enough to hatch them out for me and I will pick them up in the morning. This will be the first time I have raised Easter Eggers (they lay blue and pink eggs). I have raised Rhode Island Reds in the past, and had so much fun with them. For those of you that don't know, chickens can be very affectionate animals. That just makes it harder to raise chickens for meat, because it is hard to kill something that you have become attached to. But knowing that I have given them the best life possible makes it a tiny bit easier. And I do practice humane killing methods. But for now, I am not worrying about meat chickens. I'm just building my little empire of layers at the moment.
An example of eggs from an Easter Egger. I will take a photo of my own as soon as mine start laying.

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